A little while ago, our principal, Dr. Page created an Instagram account for our school. This account had varied information including updates about clubs, spirit weeks, school trips, celebratory events, and informational meetings. Even AP Mr. Boyno shared that he looks through the account to keep up with updates or incoming news.
Dr. Page gained over 500 followers in the past months and continues to post daily. I thought this was a super interesting concept of being able to use social media to communicate with students, and wanted to learn more about Dr. Page’s thought process and students’ feelings towards this idea.
To start, I interviewed with Dr. Page. I found several pieces of information ranging from content to social media impacts. The ‘Baccpage’ was created in Dr. Page’s first year, the spring of 2023. She said it took a while to come up with the name as she wanted it to suit the account but is happy with the results.
The first post of the account was created in May 2023 which featured BSGE’s ‘Night at the Mets game.’ Her thought process behind this account was to show life inside the school, both work-related, but also the fun aspects, for current students, staff, families who aren’t there, incoming students, celebratory events, and even informational posts.
Dr. Page said that this account was a good way to communicate with students since they were likely to use Instagram. She had mentioned the Bacc Facebook page but noticed that not as many people, (both kids and parents), use it. This led me to the thought that started this whole investigation into the account, which was how she is using social media in a positive manner.
As kids, or teens, a lot of times we are told to not be on our phones too much or to stop going on social media. But the fact is, it is a part of our lives and is a reality. Dr. Page took this idea and used it as a way to communicate with us, rather than criticizing it. She said that she would love to use ‘thebaccpage’ as a healthy and kind resource to show the amazing things we have going on at BSGE. Her belief is that we should use social media in ways that benefit the community, and talk to others.
Dr. Page has carefully thought this process through: not only has she signed a media release form, gaining consent from others to post, but loves when she is sent photos to share fun activities, and created a safe space where she is open to hearing advice, (whether they are questions, comments, or concerns), from the students.